Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby #10 due March 10!

Now that I've had 2 good doctor appointments and I'm officially out of the first trimester, we thought we would make it public (not that my kids haven't told about 100 people already : ) But we are expecting again and I am due March 10!  I was a bit shocked (I'm getting a little older now and thought it wouldn't be quite so easy to get pregnant.) We are very happy though and the kids are thrilled.  It's so wonderful how children are always so excited about another baby in the house and another sibling to love.  God is good and we do feel so very blessed.  It's been a rough month though, with the morning (really all day) sickness.  I'm so glad to be feeling somewhat better.  My children are glad that I am cooking again :o) Usually my morning sickness is completely gone by 14 weeks so only one more week to go.  Coffee is sounding good again so I must be on the upswing.  We have gotten a few negative comments from some extended family members but we have gotten so many positive ones, which are encouraging.  I'm so glad our church family and friends value life and trust that God is in control!


  1. I'm a lurker on your blog, but I do enjoy reading it! I'm amazed at how organized you are with 10 kids--I'm expecting #2 in October and I feel like I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

    I wanted to say CONGRATS! And ask...are you going to change the name of the blog? ;-D

    I hope you have a healthy pregnancy and that the morning sickness ends soon!

  2. this is such wonderful news! congratulations to you and your family! my husband and I were just talking on the beach yesterday about how we'd love another. we have 4..but I recently turned 42. But isn't that the new 32?? Best of luck and look forward to reading along during your pregnancy!

  3. Love reading your blog. I am soooo excited about baby # 10! How wonderful!!!! You are my hero.

  4. Hi~I found your blog on mega-families and wanted to stop by and say~~Congratulations on your new little one-on-the-way! We're expecting #8 in a couple of months and are thrilled to be here since I am an older mom:) Babies are such a happy blessing. Hope you start feeling better soon. You have a beautiful family:)

  5. Congratulations! SO envious. What a beautiful family.

  6. Congratulations!!! I just found your blog and really enjoy it. I am almost 41 and still hoping for more. Babies are such a blessing.

  7. I'm a somewhat new lurker and wanted to say congrats! :) I have a 10 month old and we want a big family. We don't really know anyone who believes as we do, so it has been an encouragement to find your blog!

  8. Congrats! What wonderful news. I love reading your blog and hearing about your beautiful family.

  9. Congratulations! We are so happy for you and a little envious too :)

  10. Awwww.....congratulations! Wonderful news. I am 41 and we hope to have more. We had a #10 on the way not too long ago but lost that little one to miscarriage in the 11th week. Such a hard loss for us. But we trust God to know what is best. Perhaps He will bless us again soon -- who knows!

    Like your children, mine are always so thrilled to learn we are expecting. No matter how crazy and chaotic it is around here, they always seem to want more siblings. Go figure! I guess we must be doing something right :)

    Again, congratulations!!

  11. congratulations from Australia. I have a question, 'When you had your first 2 babies did you ever think you would have 10?' I've got my beautiful twin girls and we would love to have a large family but some days ( when its been a tough day )I think I just want the twins. x

  12. Sooo excited for you & your family!! How wonderful! :) I hope you start feeling better soon.

  13. Congratulations. I love reading your blog. Sometimes knowing someone else goes through the same obstacles I do is a comfort. We're hoping to get our # 10 someday too. I hope you have a good pregnancy and an easy birth.

  14. another lurker here . . .I am so happy for you
    I am blessed with 3/10ths of the children I would have loved to have, but at 49, although I haven't given up all hope (and prayer) chances are getting a little slim ;-)

    love reading your blog and seeing all the pictures of your beautiful family!

  15. Congrats!! I am in awe of you!! You are such a good Mom role model!!

  16. Thanks so much for all the sweet comments! I just wanted to answer a few questions......I always knew I wanted a large family. Ever since I was a child I played with baby dolls and knew families with 8-10 kids. Those families really inspired me! But, to answer the question from Australia, I was very happy with my 2 little boys when I found out I was pregnant with #3. It was hard for me to imagine another one at that point. I think it is good that you are so happy and content with your twins. Just stay that way and if God chooses to give you more, than He will prepare you. Also, I am 43 and have a friend of a friend that just had her 5th baby at 49! And she had no fertility treatments, just a real surprise! So, don't give up hope. Stay healthy and you just never know :o)

  17. Congratulations, Becca! So glad you're feeling better. You must really be on the upswing if coffee is starting to sound good, again. :) I cannot believe you got some negative comments from extended family! All of ours gave up on us by the time #6 came around. What a blessing to have such a supportive church family, though. I'm sure your youngest will make a terrific big brother!

  18. Congratulations! I have just found your blog and I have 9 kids aged 13 - 5 months and live here in Cary,NC! There aren't many of us around with so many kids so we should stick together! So excited about #10 and don't even listen to the negative comments( I've had a few!)

  19. Congratulations! Sorry some family members have been negative. We get negative comments sometimes too and we only have 3 children because my husband is still in school. We know that children are a blessing - maybe one day we will have 10 children as well!

  20. ITA, about not worrying whether you might have another child with Ds this time around. Part of me was hoping we would, actually. I have heard of several women having 2 children with T21 (not translocation), but I think it's pretty rare. Too funny about getting on Oprah if you did! :)

  21. So happy to hear your wonderful news!!! Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

    Praying for you,

  22. Hi, just found your blog through another ds blog.. we have 10 children, the youngest of whom has that magical extra something:) Congrats on your pregnancy!

  23. How wonderful.Congratulations!Glad you are feeling better.The negative comments can be hard.I am on number 6 baby,and too get them.God is in control.He does a better job,then we could ever possibly do.May God bless you,and your beautiful family.What is your due date?Blessings,Marla Grace

  24. congratulations. Number 7 and 8 for us were 5 years apart and I was starting to think that number 7 was it but God obviously had other plans.

    Enjoy the second trimester. I love that stage of pregnancy. I will be praying for you and your baby through your pregnancy.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love them and they keep me writing. I really do read each one.