Thursday, June 16, 2011


Above is 50% of my children!

One of the great things about having 10 kids is that percentages are so easy.  I've begun to think this way a lot.  Like, "honey, you take 40% of them to the hardware store with  you and I can make dinner here easier with just 60%."  Many times I'll be somewhere and someone will say, "are all these kids yours?"  And I will happily say, "oh, yes."  But under my breath I will say, this is just 70% of them.  20% are at home and 10% are away at college.  I guess I've always been a math person and I love numbers, so I think that is why I think it's so fun.  Of course, splitting the kids 50-50 doesn't necessarily mean an even split or work load.  Anyone with a large brood knows, it's not the number of children, it's the toddler that makes things hard.....right? : )  A toddler is equal to about 3 elementary age children, an infant equal to 2 and a teenager, while more independent, is probably equal to 2.5 due to their "drama" and the major life decisions they are making.  
Well, I know this is a random post, but I thought it was pretty cool and I promise, no more beach pictures for a while : )


  1. Hi

    This is the first time commenting on your blog though I read it regularly :) I just wanted to say how jealous I am of your beach pics, we love the beach but atm its too cold over here to enjoy it!! Take care!

  2. Haha, I love that you do math with your brood! And the descriptions of toddlers, infants, and teenagers are too funny.

  3. Love the thought behind the percentages. I think you're completely right - a toddler is about the same as 3 elementary age kiddos. Good call!

  4. I just LOVE reading your blog and about your beautiful family! I can't wait to have more children, Lord willing and learn more from what you write. I'd love some more posts about your organization, menu planning, homeschooling, and teaching your kids about Jesus. Thanks again!!!

  5. I love your beach pictures and your large family.

  6. OH keep the beach photos coming they are wonderful!

    I like your "percentages" it's pretty handy!

  7. Ok, now I have to go find your beach pictures on your blog. ha.

    Love ya'll.

  8. It is cool and you can't have too many beach pictures!

  9. So, a toddler is the equivalent of 3 elementary kids....good to know! ha!

  10. I loved this post- I'm a maths person as well! You are indeed blessed with your beautiful family. I love your new family photo on your header!
    Have a wonderful week

  11. hi there. i just found your sweet blog. i'm a momma of 4~who definitely wanted more but my body gave out at 33 LOL. I'm now dealing with lots of health issues. I'm glad for the 4 (5 actually, one m/c) I have. I'm putting you on my sidebar. Your family pics are so sweet! hugs from Arizona~where it's too dang hot! lol

  12. You have a beautiful family!!! I love how you use your ten to make percentages! :)

  13. Love this. So true. Mom of 2 yrs to 21 yrs.


Thanks so much for your comments! I love them and they keep me writing. I really do read each one.