Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Chunky Monkey

My little guy is 4 months old now!  I can't believe it and he's not so little anymore.  I took him to the doctor yesterday for his check-up and he was at the 97% for weight and 85% for height!  I guess my youngest boy may end up being my biggest yet.  He's so cute and so much fun......really getting social.  I do nurse him a lot and I guess my milk is pretty high calorie.  The doctor said that maybe I shouldn't nurse him so much........whatever!!!  This is my tenth baby and could be my last and he's so good.  So what if he nurses a lot! I'm sure when he starts crawling and pulling-up that he will work off those "thunder thighs"  : )
Above Matthew is doing "physical therapy" with Patrick.  See, Mattie does learn things in therapy....haha


  1. He is so stinking cute! As is Matthew. Looks like the student has become the teacher. ;)

    And I would ignore the doctor; I've heard the stories that big babies turn out to be overweight kids, but all of your other kiddos are healthy and beautiful, so I think Patrick will be just fine nursing to his heart's content. Plus, thunder thighs are just plain cute!

  2. He's getting so big! Love his expression in that last one. Doctors really do have a lot of interesting opinions on breastfeeding, huh? ha!

  3. wow, i didn't know doctors still said stuff like that about breastfeeding. weird. he looks perfect to me!

  4. Next the doc will recommend formula to keep his weight down! lol! Keep up the good work! :) Cheers Sue

  5. My little guy was a big baby too, but short! With ten children, I'm thinking maybe you know a little more about breastfeeding than most! He does look perfect, and adorable!

  6. i would nurse him all he needs. doctor's half the time don't seem to know what they are talking about.
    he will lose it soon after he starts running around.

  7. Ok Mattie is adorable "helping" his baby brother!

    When my Connor was a baby, he was 20 pounds at 4 months. I called him a "medicine ball in a onesie" and used to joke that I obviously didn't make skim milk!


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