Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Recap

Now that summer is officially over for us and all my children are back in school, I thought I'd do a little summer recap.
First of all I will start with the things I mentioned in my beginning of summer post.  You know, the things I planned to do this summer.....
1. organizing....well, I got just about all the rooms done.  I still have to declutter my bedroom and now move Patrick and Matthew into Ben's room which is now vacated.  I plan on having a yard sale soon, so this will help me declutter even more.
2. aerobics....I have to admit that I only got to aerobics two times.  I did work-out and do my morning walk/jogs, but it's just so hard to get to the gym at an exact time.
3. a bunch done at family camp, but again, not quite as much as I would of liked.  I still have it out in the dining room and hope to "catch-up" soon.
4. pool....we went to the pool a good bit and overall had a great time.  I did only take the younger ones (meaning 10 and unders) by myself just once.  It's much too hard and not worth the trouble with 2 not walking and not an older one to help.

Well, here are a few pics I took with my cell phone that captured some obscure summer moments.

We all rode the tractors at Home Depot!
Trigger got a much needed haircut in the 100 degree heat~
The kids had fun fishing this summer in the neighborhood pond, but we really didn't catch much of anything bigger than the fish above : )
Our garden kind of wilted in the high temps.....we did get some pretty vegetables, but not much of a bountiful harvest~


  1. Beautiful pictures! That first one of you and Mattie is worth framing. And the one of your family lined up on the tractors? Cute!

    Sounds like you had a fun summer! Hope you have a fun school year.

  2. What a fun summer... it is always relaxing to not make it too busy with a big family. :) I have enjoyed following your blog, and the similarities in our families. Your blog blesses many,, and I love checking in here. Thanks for posting,, and smiling!

  3. Hi your blog! I have 10 children too! I will link to yr site..God bless

  4. love you blog and your attitude and sense of humor~ I have 5 sons, all whom were born in Ukraine. I am in Ukraine adopting two daughters~the teenaged sister to three of our sons and a 7 year old little girl. Blessings to you!


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