Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I Have In My Medicine Cabinet

Does Starbucks count as a med? : )
He really wasn't drinking this, btw

Recently I had a mommy friend ask me what kinds of things I have in my medicine cabinet. As an RN and a mother for many years, I've had plenty of experience with sickness and medicines.  But I must admit that more and more I rely less and less on medicine and more on natural remedies and our own natural healing properties that God has graciously given. I do think that God has provided us with medicines, but I do use them sparingly.  You have to remember that each medicine affects not only the symptom or illness you are trying to treat, but just about all your other body systems.  Anyway, we've just had some mild flu at our house and an upper respiratory infection and a little stomach bug in the last month.  I guess it's just that time of the year.  So, here is what is currently in my "children" medicine cabinet:

1.  Children's Benadryl
2.  Children's Ibuprofen (liquid and tablets for older kids)
3.  Children's Mucinex granules
4.  Vick's Vapor Rub
5.  Miralax
6.  Tums (I give them a half)
7.  Nasal nose drops
And that's just about it!
If a child is complaining of a tummy ache or has vomiting or diarrhea, I don't give them anything over the counter for that. The body needs to get rid of the virus and will do that naturally.  I do give them hot tea or pedialyte if they are getting dehydrated but most "digestion type" meds just prolong the illness, in my opinion. 

My "vitamin" cabinet:

1.  Chewable Vitamin C
2.  Multi-vitamins for all ages
3.  Garlic tabs
4.  Fish oil for kids and adults
5.  Apple Cider Vinegar (if I can get that down them : )

I do spend money on quality vitamins and supplements because I'd rather spend some extra money keeping them healthy then my children getting sick and spending money at the doctor's office.  Case in point, when I had to take my 13 year old in this past week because he had a high fever for over 4 days, they looked at his chart and the doctor couldn't believe that he hadn't been in for a sick visit for almost 3 years!

So am I missing anything?  What are your tried and true children's meds and supplements?


  1. Starbucks definitely counts! Your guest post is up on Larger Family Life tomorrow btw!

  2. Is there a particular brand of multivitamin and fish oil supplement that you recommend for children? I'm always a little overwhelmed with how many choices there are. Thanks =)

  3. What brand vitamins and fish oil do you use. We just get the flinstones vitamins (not gummy, their dentist said that even gummy vitamins can cause cavities) and I haven't given them fish oil for the kids yet. How much apple cider vinegar do you give them? Do you have any tips for those with chronic ear infections? What kind of vitamins do you take for yourself?

  4. I love Rainbow Light vitamins. I've used them for years and feel that they are very good quality. They are food based and all natural so your body actually absorbs them. I use the women's one and I buy the teen one for my teenagers and the children's ones for my kids. They have a chewable vit. C too that my kids love but it is gummy so it probably isn't very good for their teeth. I used Nordic Naturals fish oil for adults (lots of varieties and they have them for kids too.) I usually buy all of this at Whole Foods just cause it's easier but there are online sellers that are cheaper. I give my kids 1 Tbls. of apple cider vinegar (raw kind) if they start feeling sick. Of course, it's hard to get down them depending on the child. I've started putting warm olive oil in JP's ears If I think he has an ear infection and even one time when the doc said he had a mild one. He got all better in 2 days without an antibiotic.

  5. Thanks for the info! I have been reading for about a year but have never commented. My husband is an RN as well and we seldom give our children any meds. I was looking to add some good quality vitamins to our routine so I appreciate this info!!!!! ~Serenity


Thanks so much for your comments! I love them and they keep me writing. I really do read each one.