Having fun together and recreating together is very important, especially for husbands. I think as wives, many times we are content just sitting and talking with our husbands, maybe going on a few dates a month and doing things together as a family with the kids but men need more than that. I've learned how important it is for them and for us as a couple to actually do fun things together. And I don't think going to movies count. I've read many books that talk about the needs of men/husbands and this is a big one on their list, while it's not really at the top of a wife's list. So, us wives need to be a little proactive and not roll our eyes or dismiss our husbands when they mention doing "fun" things together. The successful marriages that I know and admire all have a hobby or something fun that the couple likes to do together. I know that many times I have to "force" myself to want to do this, but it's always worth it in the end and I have a marvelous time : )
So, here are some examples of things you can do as a couple to keep your marriage fun and "alive": (many of these are things I remember my parents doing together)
boat tubing
boating in general
visiting museums
road races
Well, don't laugh, you get the idea and I'm sure you and your husband can think of fun things to do together that you both like or things you would both like to try. So, hire a babysitter and go for it!!
Yes, hiring a babysitter is a great idea. If you planned for fun together and going outside with your partner, then hire a babysitter. Babysitter gives you a freedom so that you can enjoy some time with your loving partner. I live in the UK and I search findahelper-find a babysitter in London and got success over that.